Thursday, November 28, 2019

The components of restaurant concept and the unique selling points that have driven the success of The Cheesecake Factory

Restaurants have concepts based on what they offer to their customers. In fact, restaurant concepts of individual organizations differ since managers have differing objectives and goals for their businesses. This means that for anyone in the food and beverage business to be successful, clear guidelines must be set to ensure that they offer services to their clients guided by their restaurant concepts.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The components of restaurant concept and the unique selling points that have driven the success of The Cheesecake Factory specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are three classes of restaurants which include quick service, mid-scale and upscale. Quick services restaurants have quick services in their menu which involve quick preparations of food for their customers. Many of their products are served to people who take them away since they do not have dinning places. They may be offeri ng take away services and home delivery, as well. In most cases, they take part in preparation and sale of snacks and other dishes that are quick to prepare. Midscale restaurants offer meals at medium prices and they have quite a large variety of products for their customers. In fact, they offer full meals at affordable prices hence remaining preferable to customers as they appreciate the value they get from their meals. Midscale restaurants can be designed to offer buffet where customers choose from several meals offered at a given price. Customers may decide to choose a combination of meals at an inclusive price hence giving them an opportunity to have a combination of their favorite dishes. Finally, customers may be required to order meals at the counter and wait to be served by waiters at the restaurant. This is very important because waiters use the situation to serve their customers with their hospitality techniques. Quality services may make customers come back to the restaur ant for their favorite meals hence becoming useful for the organization in terms of acquiring market share. Upscale restaurants offer high quality products at very high prices. Their customers enjoy quality foods hence attaining satisfaction which encourages them to keep going back to the restaurant. In fact, this differentiation in food industry is vital because people in different income brackets feel appreciated since they can walk into restaurants of their own choice guided by their financial ability.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Unique selling points that have driven the success of The Cheesecake Factory include the choice of right business for the right market. This means that one has to consider what is required in the market before getting into the actual business. The cheese factory has been able to develop strategies aimed at reaching to every member of the soci ety. If one starts an upscale restaurant among very poor people, the concept may fail since people cannot afford to pay high prices for their meals. Therefore, carrying out a marketing research is very crucial for business people intending to venture in food business. The cheesecake factory makes sure that their restaurant offers quality food that is health conscious. This means that they offer nutrition guides for their customers, and prepare foods for people with various health conditions. This has seen their business succeed in a great way because customers value their health hence remaining faithful to the organization. The organization embraces public relations with customers in order to encourage more people to come back for dishes in their restaurant. Finally, they have a record of consistency in their service provision. This is very important because customers remain assured that they can visit the restaurant for their favorite dishes at any time. This essay on The components of restaurant concept and the unique selling points that have driven the success of The Cheesecake Factory was written and submitted by user Hulkl1ng to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Minerals and vitamins essays

Minerals and vitamins essays There are two different minerals and two different vitamins that tend to be inadequate in my diet and therefore are associated with and are risks to my BMI. One mineral that tends to be a risk to my BMI since I dont have enough of it is, Calcium. Calcium is the most common mineral in the human body. About 99% of the calcium in the body is found in bones and teeth, while the other 1% is found in the blood and soft tissue. Calcium levels in the blood and fluid surrounding the cells (extracellular fluid) must be maintained within a very narrow concentration range for normal physiological functioning. The physiological functions of calcium are so vital to survival that the body will demineralize bone to maintain normal blood calcium levels when calcium intake is inadequate. Thus, adequate dietary calcium is a critical factor in maintaining a healthy skeleton. Calcium is a major structural element in bones and teeth. Calcium concentrations in the blood and fluid that surrounds cells are tightly controlled in order to preserve normal physiological functioning. A low blood calcium level usually implies abnormal parathyroid function, and is rar ely due to low dietary calcium intake since the skeleton provides a large reserve of calcium for maintaining normal blood levels. Other causes of abnormally low blood calcium levels include chronic kidney failure, vitamin D deficiency, and low blood magnesium levels that occur mainly in cases of severe alcoholism. A chronically low calcium intake in growing individuals may prevent the attainment of optimal peak bone mass. Once peak bone mass is achieved, inadequate calcium intake may contribute to accelerated bone loss and ultimately the development of osteoporosis. A male individual my age which is, 18 years old, should have an adequate consumption for calcium of 1,300 mg/day. It was discovered that increased calcium intake was more strongly associated with decreased colorectal cancer risk in t...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining Research Paper

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining - Research Paper Example However, the health sector is more sensitive. Lives are lost when the doctors and nurses resort to industrial action. There is a lot to be said on whether it is morally right for people whose profession is to save people’s lives to be on strike. This is attributed to the fact that when they do so, they put the same lives in jeopardy (Olin, 2012). However, it must be admitted that when such a time comes, decisions have to be made by the management. The person who normally is at the sharp end of decision making at such times is the Human Resource Director. This paper shall seek to explore the alternatives available to the Human Resource director in the case that nurses at their hospital make the decision to become unionized. At the sound of it, unionization of nurses at several levels sounds like a paradox. This is because at the end of their training, they take the Hippocratic Oath which envisions a workplace where the medical service providers are to be more concerned about the well-being of their clients, more than their own. Therefore, nurses are categorized under what might be labeled as essential services. They are not expected to withdraw their services because of industrial action. However, in today’s world, pragmatism has to prevail. If the nurses fail to get what they expect they might not in turn offer the best care that their profession is intended to offer. Thus, in a way good healthcare begins with making the nurses happy, rather than the patients. This is because happy nurses will provide better services which might possibly result in better healthcare (Olin, 2012). The other important thing to note is that as much as unionization is a huge disruption to the provision of services, it is within the rights of the workers to resort to such action in the event that their grievances are not being listened to. As a Human Resource Director, the acceptance of that fact is a huge step in the